Continuing the sharing of content from my upcoming “About Me” Google pages site, here’s me as a dad:

Jill and I have two kids; our 17 yr old son Kayce (Case) and our 12 yr old  daughter Jennah.

Kayce is watchful, strong, throughtful and engaging. He is also an amazing drummer, dancer and actor.

Jennah is pure spirited, fearless and creative. She’s absolutely fearless on the computer and a captivating actress, dancer and singer.

We are blessed to have them as kids and friends and truly enjoy spending time with them as often as possible. This does not mean however, that we are not parents, because I/we take that role very seriously. It is our job to steward the growth of our children towards effective and successful adulthood and that can’t be done by being a big “buddy”. We will have succeeded if they both see and go further that we have.
This is why we homeschool. Though Jill and I are devoted Christians, it is the secondary reason behind our desire to give them an education that prepares them for success. An education designed to prepare them for the future of work by teaching them how to learn.

Today’s college graduates are likely to have seven jobs in multiple fields, some of which haven’t even been invented yet.Success in that marketplace (which is here today) will be based on the ability to explore, learn and adapt to ideas and technologies. It will also be based on the ability to create and synthesis ideas – a true knowledge and information based society. I’d like to say we saw all this coming 10 years ago when we started homeschooling, but we didn’t. I thank God we made that decision.