Reading through my auto industry feeds this morning I found a story about service, connections and community. Hmmm, sound familiar to this morning’s post?

In Make Used Cars a Service Not a Commodity, EJ could just as easily be writing about the music industry when he says customers have “very little reason to buy used cars; in fact, they have reasons not to buy.

•    Most consumers dislike the process and want to avoid it
•    Car quality has improved so consumers own cars longer
•    Sales tax adds to the friction of frequent buying

Removing those objections through a program could expand the used car market by getting consumers to buy cars more frequently.”

Of course the details are different, but can you argue that today’s consumers like the process of buying music today? How about the quality of the product? I would suggest that people are much happier with CD’s – and the “older” artists that made them – than the DRM laden downloads of today. Then there’s the money subject – $.99 per song?

He then goes on to suggest a frequent buyer program, which I would also suggest for musicians or, from this morning’s post, simply providing music as a service for a fee instead of making all your money from selling a product.

Engage your folks. Build communities and connections, just like car dealers…


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