The 2 Myths

There are two hypnotizing myths about music careers believed by many players, singers, songwriters and aspiring artists. Two interrelated ideas that often kill their hopes of building successful careers. They are:

  • The myth of talent
  • The myth of Super Stardom

Common and Understandable

The myths of talent and Super Stardom are both common and understandable because musicians have heard they are spectacularly talented and that they should be STARS their whole lives!


Whether understandable or not though, these are both myths.

  • Talent alone does not ensure success in the music business. Am I saying talent, or being GREAT at what you do doesn’t matter? No. What I’m saying is that success in music – success in anything – takes a combination of technical skill AND a number of other skills: marketing, communication, people, finances, etc.
  • Sorry to tell you this, but only a select few will ever reach Super Stardom in music.

Though these myths are understandable, my concern is that they are also powerfully hypnotizing and therefore paralyzing.


The myth of talent can be paralyzing because it keeps you from being aware that there’s more you need to learn.

I should know, I was told how great I was and that I should be a pro too. Everything I did supported my belief that if I kept doing what I was doing, I’d keep finding more gigs. And it worked, until I got as far as my talent alone could take me and I had nothing else to give to my career.

The myth of Super Stardom can be just as paralyzing, though it is far less obvious. It is less obvious because even though most musicians know they’ll never be a “Super Star,” they secretly hope they will be or secretly believe anything less is somehow not good enough.

Wake Up!


  1. Wake up to the fact that you must become a student on what it takes to succeed in life – career, business, life, relationships, etc.
  2. Wake up to the fact that your talent + those skills ensures you will be one of the millions of people who can and should have long-term careers in the music business. Yes, YOU!

What are you working towards doing long-term in the music business?