What Do People Want?

Whether your customers are fans, producers or other musicians, they often complicate your life because they do odd and unpredictable things. If you are basing your life and music career on them – which you are – it’s important to know what they want.


The first step is to understand that WIIFM Radio is the loudest and strongest sound in their head. WIIFM Radio is an acronym to help you remember your customers are always thinking:

“What’s In It For Me?”

People Buy Solutions to Problems

The next step is to understand that people don’t buy products or services, people buy solutions to problems. A man does not buy a hammer; he buys a tool to put in a nail. A woman does not hire a lawn care company; she buys the perceived status of a beautifully kept home. No one buys music; they buy the emotions and thoughts that music stirs inside of them.

I’ll say that again: “No one buys music; they buy the emotions and thoughts that music stirs inside of them.”

But Wait, There’s More

There’s one more step to understanding customer behavior: people (almost) always have two reasons for doing what they do: The reason they tell you, and the REAL reason.

As I say in my book:

“I’m not saying everyone is a liar (although, if the shoe fits…). I am saying there are two reasons for most people’s actions, and sometimes even they don’t know the real one. The man buying the hammer will say he’s putting in a nail, but he may also want the hammer that will most impress his buddies. The woman wanting a nice lawn may also want to recreate something she remembers faintly from her childhood. The same could be said for their music purchases, too. Songs can bring people back to a time of special memories of days gone by.”

Get Yourself Heard on WIIFM Radio

Now that you have an awareness of how people think and the reasons they do odd and unpredictable things, it’s time to consider how to actually get heard on WIIFM Radio:

Talk in terms of the other person’s interests. Truth be told, we spend most of our time thinking about ourselves. Why not create strong professional relationships by putting away our own concerns and talking about what others are interested in for a while?” – Dale Carnegie.

How are you communicating what you offer in terms that interest your customers?