Be a Musician Now

Most musicians ask how to make it in music. I think the better question is how can I still be a musician in five years?

Here are ten ways to make it in music long term:

Be a Musician Then Too

  1. Be a great musician. Get better.
  2. Be a great person. Get better.
  3. Use being both a great musician and a great person to stand out, get and keep work.
  4. Learn about, and be able to intelligently talk about, things besides music.
  5. Know when to not talk at all.
  6. Show up on time (and dressed appropriately)
  7. Have great time. Seriously. The harder you groove, the more you’ll work. And I don’t just mean drummers, though drummers will LOVE you most.
  8. Know the difference between your customers and end users (for instance, say you’re hired to play drums in a club band. Your customer is the band leader. The end users are the club owner and the club’s customers). Make them all happy.
  9. Learn enough about business to run the small business called You, Inc. Learn more.
  10. Remember you’re never NOT marketing. Make sure everything you do, say, own, wear and play is in line with your goals.

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And Bonus #11

Have goals and work toward them with everything you do, say, own, wear and play.

Any questions?

Photo: Heavenly Perspective Photography

About Steve Grossman: Former ACM and Grammy Award winning drummer. Author, teacher, speaker and Dale Carnegie Facilitator. Music career coach and mentor.

Website. Books.